I began 2006 by writing my first article ever. I wrote about
embracing changes in my life in pursuit of happiness. In retrospect, I
believe now that I was giving myself a bit of a pep talk. To say I was
starting the year with challenges would be an understatement. My marriage
of fourteen years was ending, something I seemed determined to insure. I
felt stagnant at work. My one bedroom apartment was anything but a home.
And yet, I had the nerve to write about embracing change.

At the time, I was not convinced that it could work. I was
convinced however, that I had to try something. I had given up drinking,
and although it had only been a couple of months, I was proud of my small
accomplishment. I made only two resolutions: to continue a life of sobriety
and to truly apply myself in all aspects to just be happy. Much to my
surprise, the first proved to be much easier for me than the second.

Luckily it worked out that way because failure on resolution
number one would have doomed resolution number two. Although my desire to
find happiness sounds less than concise, I had no other way to get my hands
around the concept. I followed simple rules of goal setting like breaking
large goals down into smaller, achievable, and measurable goals. The only
way I could think of to do this was in time increments. Day by day seemed
to fit the bill.

Three hundred and sixty-five little goals, no problem! I woke
up each day vowing to take positive steps towards my daily goal. I achieved
more than I failed as the year went along. Like everyone, I encountered my
share of problematic circumstances and obstacles. If it were not for them,
it would have been a piece of cake. But without them, life in a bubble
would get lonely.

If I have learned one thing, it is that dealing with adversity in a
positive manner is the key to happiness. There is no magic answer. It takes
determination and work. I read books, listened to advice from friends and
family, but most of all, I worked at it. I worked on me. Slowly, the days
of happiness started to string together. Small winning streaks turned into
larger ones. Before long there were only fleeting moments of frustration or
down times. And even those were bearable.

As the new-year approached, I reflected on my life in 2006. For the first
time in many years I had nothing but fond memories. Even the times that
were difficult produced some sense of accomplishment for the way I was able
to come through them. It was a whirlwind of activity including moving
twice, divorce, and putting my dog down. But, it also included an
outstanding season on the softball field, travel, buying a new home, and
rescuing the most lovable dog in the world from a shelter.

Most of all, it was a year of falling in love again. I met a wonderful
woman who came complete with an incredible five year-old son. And, just
before Christmas, I learned that I was going to be a father. What started
as a vague resolution to be happy has resulted in the most unexpected
feeling of all, fulfillment.

I would be remiss if I did not take this
opportunity to thank all of those who have helped me in my journey. There
are too many to name, but you know who you are. Your support is truly
appreciated and I love you all.

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